Moving to Belize has been a huge step for our family, comprised of a million little steps. We did what we could to prepare in the weeks, months and years leading up to the move, but once we stepped on the plane Sunday night, it was out of our hands.
To get a great deal on airfare we drove 3 hours to Vancouver, Canada to fly out. When we got there, 5 out of our 7 suitcases were overweight. Eddie worked on redistributing weight between the 5 suitcases and 4 carry-ons and ultimately we didn't have to leave anything behind. On top of that, the Delta crew checked our carry-ons for us for free, so we wouldn't be squished on our red-eye flight. Then they gave us a greeting card when we boarded our flight, wishing us good luck. We felt so encouraged and blessed and that was just the first leg of our journey.
We arrived in Atlanta having slept 1.5 - 2.5 hours each. We had to pick up all 11 pieces of luggage and go through immigration before heading to our gate. Not only did we breeze through immigration, but our suitcases were already taken off the belt for us and some had even been checked through to Belize. Being so exhausted, having several less suitcases to contend with was amazing. At our next gate we met a friendly woman, Angie, which helped us pass the time. Brooklyn passed out sprawled on a few chairs and AJ played on his DS.
The flight from Atlanta was uneventful and even arrived 20 minutes early. We deplaned and went through immigration and customs for the second time that day. Once again we experienced divine favor, not having to claim anything to import into the country.
We stepped into the Belizean sunshine to see some friends of ours, who had come to pick up someone else from the airport. Eddie has known this couple and their father for 15+ years and they live in our new town. What a surprise! They promised they will reach out to welcome us properly soon.
Pastor Allison, a young Belizean pastor, who I met 15+ years ago, drove a few hours from where he lives to pick us up from the airport. We were blessed to ride in his truck and stop for lunch on our way to our new home. We look forward to getting to know him and his family better over the coming months. They have two young daughters, who will hopefully be good friends for Brooklyn.
At the end of >12 hours of travel, we reached our new home and it's better than Eddie and I expected it to be. It's in a neighborhood of the country's capital that has lots of kids to play with. Brooklyn was especially excited when she saw her own room and it was exactly what she had designed in her head. The house also has a garden bed, which was #1 on Brooklyn's wish list. AJ is thankful for his own room, but it still adjusting to Belizean-style homes.
Today, our first in Belize, Eddie got our utilities changed over to our name, phones, cable and Wifi hooked up. It all went through without a hitch. Quinton, another friend from many years ago stopped by with our new vehicle, which we bought from him. He took Eddie and AJ to get the title and insurance switched over and he and his wife plan to have us over to their house soon. Best of all, he has a 12 year old son. AJ was excited to hear that.
The preparation stage has concluded and the real adventure begun. We are beyond relieved at how well we've been received so far and how well the travel went. Now that our basic needs are set-up we can slow down and start to settle in. Please be in prayer for AJ and Brooklyn as they adjust to this new life.
For pictures of our new home and frequent updates, like our facebook page: SATTbelize
