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God is in the Details

Writer's picture: Renata JosephRenata Joseph

There is such beauty when God's people are attuned to His voice and allow Him to move us and use us accordingly. This past week I witnessed time and time again how needs were met in this way, down to the smallest detail.

Early on in the week, in the course of my job opening a children's home, I met up with an American couple for lunch. They felt led by the Holy Spirit to give me some American funds. Little did they know that our family was out of grocery money for the month and Eddie would be leading a retreat for university students on a shoe string budget. That $200, plus donated chicken from a Mennonite friend and citrus from a friend's farm, allowed every need to be met and met well.

Last week I hired someone as a part-time cleaner for the children's home. Every morning as a staff we have a short devotional time and this new hire joined us. She expressed how this small job is an answer to months of fervent prayer, not just for the income it provides, but for the emotional healing and encouragement she is already experiencing on campus. She was led to tears as she shared the hurts she had experienced over the last year and praised God for allowing her to be part of this project.

Eddie and I were able to have a breakfast date on Valentines because a couple friend of ours gave us a Gift Card to a local coffee shop. We were so grateful for the chance to have a nice meal and spend time together during this hectic week. As I was driving home from work, I felt the Lord tell me to buy a rose for some single ladies in our church. Thanks to the gift from that American couple, I had the funds to buy those roses and deliver them to the ladies. One young lady from our young adults ministry had experienced a painful breakup this year and was so touched, she was moved to tears saying "God loves me so much, He sent me flowers."

This is what this life is about! Being attuned to the Spirit and allowing Him to flow resource and encouragement to and through you. It's when we live this way that we experience little every day miracles and feel connected to others in a deep and meaningful way.

I pray that you, too, would experience God in the details; making a way for you where there seems to be no way, connecting you to others in reciprocal love and care. If you seek Him, you will find Him in the details.

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