Belize was blessed to have had very few Covid-19 cases in its initial exposure. The country swiftly locked down, instated curfews, mandated masks, and closed the borders. We had less than 40 cases, and no new cases for 53 days, until a slow trickle of repatriating Belizeans and border jumpers started to come in. As Belizeans have been returning from the US, cases of Covid-19 have grown and we are facing another season of lock down.
This week the kids were supposed to return to school for the first time since March. The plan was to have them attend in shifts, wearing masks and socially distancing. Last week the government halted those plans. The international airport was supposed to reopen August 15th. That reopening has been postponed. So, here we are, feeling a bit like Groundhog Day, wondering what this second wave will bring.
For our family there have been some recent developments that will affect how we quarantine this time around. A big one is that, after supporting the youth with an online Bible study and with training for VBS, we have been asked to take over the youth group ministry at our church. Our first meeting as newly-installed leaders happened online, with no guarantee of when it will return to in-person meetings. Please pray that the time we spend investing in these youth will bear fruit in their lives.
Another opportunity for campus ministry has been pushed to the back burner, due to school campuses being closed and educators needing to find new ways to teach in this developing country.
Lastly, after many months of looking and praying, we have found a house! We are in the midst of inspections, titles searches and closing paperwork, but it is our hope to be moved by September 1st. The house we found is an absolute answer to prayer, as it is near to our current neighborhood and several of our kids' friends. Please pray that God would provide ways for us to furnish our new house. We moved here with suitcases and the house will be empty when we move in!
So, as we enter Round 2 of lock down and quarantine, we see how God has given us new things to do and be excited about, new ways to impact this generation and a new home in which to finally feel settled. We are blessed.